massage academy

Minsk, Belarus


The largest massage academy in Belarus

For All

We teach massage for beginners and professionals


Qualified teachers with medical education


Massage in diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Детоксикация в практике кинезиолога
Проприоцептивная ортодиагностика
Курс предлагает новые подходы к детоксикации, основанные на понимании взаимосвязи между мышцами и органами, и использовании определенных техник для поддержки этой связи для максимально эффективного функционирования организма

В программе:

- Введение в детоксикацию в прикладной кинезиологии:
- Тестирование мышц для определения дисбалансов
- Токсины и их влияние на организм.
- Детоксикационные методы в ПК
- Тестирование мышц для определения дисбалансов и токсического накопления
- Использование гомеопатических нозодов
- Подбор индивидуальной терапии для восстановления естественных механизмов очищения

Duration of course

Day and weekend group: 7 h. (9 ac.h.) 1 lesson

Cost of education
305 BYN
Day group
255 BYN
Моторов Д.О.
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"Язык тела" пациента
Семинар будет полезен для массажистов, тренеров, специалистов по адаптивной физкультуре и ЛФК, Реабилитологов, Мануальных терапевтов, Неврологов, Остеопатов
сертификат образовательного проекта "KinesioCourse"
- Введение в диагностику. История феномена "языка тела"
- Speed тесты - Опросник для пациента
- Психотипы пациентов
- Основные типы дисфункций
- Объективные методы контроля ПОД системы М.С. Касаткина
- Типы дисфункций в области верхних и нижних конечностей:
Duration of course

Day and weekend group: 8 h. (11 ac.h.) 1 lesson

Cost of education
350 BYN
Касаткин М.С.
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Deep tissue massage

A type of massage therapy, deep tissue massage involves applying firm pressure and slow strokes to reach deeper layers of muscle and fascia (the connective tissue surrounding muscles). It's used for chronic aches and pain and contracted areas such as a stiff neck and upper back, low back pain, leg muscle tightness, and sore shoulders.

Charge 100 BYN per hour.

Applied kinesiology

Applied kinesiology (AK) which is also know as muscle strength testing, is a method of diagnosis and treatment based on the belief that various muscles are linked to particular organs, joints, nerves. A visit begins with a detailed medical history. AK-associated treatments range from deep massage, joint manipulation and realignment, craniosacral therapy and acupuncture to nutritional therapies and dietary manipulation.

Charge 180 BYN per hour.

Infant massage

Infant massage is the process of rubbing an infant's muscles and stroking the infant in a manner specifically designed for them.
The benefits of massage for the infant include:
• It helps baby learn to relax.
• It improves immune system.
• It promotes bonding and communication.
• It helps to regulate digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems.
• it is used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system diseases

Charge 100 BYN per hour.

Cranial osteopathy

Cranial osteopathy stimulates healing by using gentle hand pressure to manipulate the skeleton and connective tissues, especially the skull and sacrum. Cranial osteopathy is used for a wide range of problems in both children and adults including constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, seizures, scoliosis, migraine headaches, disturbed sleep cycles, asthma, neck pain, sinus infections, TMJ syndrome, Ménière’s disease and ear problems, and for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Charge 180 BYN per hour.

Chiropractic therapy

Chiropractic, that is, treatment that uses the hands to manipulate the body, remains one of the most widely used forms of manual medicine. Back pain ranks among the most common problems that bring people to chiropractors. Spinal manipulation has been found to be effective in the treatment of low back pain (particularly chronic pain), neck pain, muscle tension headaches, and several other conditions. Performed properly, it can relieve musculoskeletal discomfort as well as improve the circulation of blood.

Charge 180 BYN per hour.

About Us

The Kinezio Training and Massage Center has been operating since 2013 and specializes in advanced and proven massage technologies.

Our credo is to deepen our understanding of the delicate balance between human health and disease. The Kinezio Massage Academy has a professional team of massage therapists with extensive experience and research interest. We develop and improve the experience of applied kinesiology, facial rejuvenation and share our experience with colleagues at massage training courses in Minsk.

You can visit our main website to learn more information about us.